Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Family Support

Within Mesty Croft Primary we have a Family Support Practitioner who liaises with families of our pupils to provide any assistance where required.


Mrs Dhanda is able to offer impartial support, advice and guidance to parents/carers on issues including:


· Attendance

· Behaviour Management

· Bereavement

· Confidence, Self-Esteem and Emotional Health and Wellbeing

· Finance: including Benefits and Debt Management

· Healthy Lifestyle

· Holiday activities

· Parenting Concerns

· Relationship breakdowns

· Transition


Our approach is non-judgemental and solution focused. Mrs Dhanda will signpost you to services locally if beyond our scope within school and will happily accompany you to meetings if required.


If you require support with any of the issues above, please contact Mrs Dhanda in confidence by calling the academy on 0121 556 0854 or via email at

Further Advice & Support

If you need further support or advice you may find the links below helpful:-


Sandwell Council - Coronavirus Advice 

Resilient Residents

Sandwell Family Life

Healthy Sandwell


Sandwell Council's emergency coronavirus advice number is 0121 569 2266.

Sandwell School Health Nursing - School Readiness Project 2021
