Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Pupils with SEND

Resources for parents, guardians and carers


Having your child/children at home with you all day every day can be a fantastic opportunity to build on relationships and create some wonderful memories together.


However, it is recognised that home schooling your children under the current circumstances may present with some challenges.  Here are some tips which may be useful to you during this very uncertain time.


  • Remember that you are doing something that is not your norm so first of all BE KIND to YOURSELF – ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’
  • Have a structure to your day and include some ‘Me-Time’. This could be before the children wake up, when they are having a break or after they go to bed. Whatever the safest option is, that is suitable for the age range of your children. 
  • Scheduling some time each day to do something just for yourself could include: enjoying a quiet cup of coffee, reading a few pages of a book, listening to music, or completing a workout. 
  • Have a structure to your child/children’s day, including breaks and fresh air when needed.  
  • Keep in contact with school if you need advice on any of the work teachers may have set. 
  • Have a daily family activity: go for a walk, do some baking, learn a new skill together or complete a project. You can make memories together and still be learning. 