Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Welcome to Year 3 and to the start of Key stage 2!


This is an excellent opportunity for us to build on all the great things that you did in Key Stage 1. We will be immersing ourselves in a range of compelling texts and exploring a world of new vocabulary, unlocking language. You will be excited to become the best writers and mathematicians you can be.


Each half term we will have a new focus in Science, Art, Music, Geography, History, RE, PHSE and D&T. You'll be broadening your knowledge base and developing a wide variety of concepts and skills. PE is on a Thursday so the children will need their PE kits and earrings need to be removed.


Each Monday we will be handing out the homework tasks for the children to complete for the week. We ask that their black homework book is returned the following Monday. We will also get new times tables on TTRockstars each week, as well as a new reading book. Please remember to bring in your reading log every day. 


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Markham-Randall, Miss McArdle, Mrs Binnings, Mrs Begum and the Year 3 team. 

Year 3 PE has moved from Thursday afternoons to Monday afternoons.

Please ensure that your child has their PE kit and is able to remove any earrings on Mondays.
