Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Friday 29th January

The ‘Remote Learning’ School Day for Reception - Friday

In order to keep the day as familiar as possible for children, we will be following the same timetable during each day of remote learning:


9.00 - 9.30: Registration

Please log onto teams and enter a live lesson with your teacher who will take the register. The daily timetable will then be shared with the children followed by ‘Dough Disco’. The children will require playdough for this activity, which we have provided in the home learning packs.


9.30 - 10:00 Physical Activity

Please see the link below. We appreciate that you may also want to go outdoors for your daily exercise. (Joe Wicks) 


10:00 - 10:30 Morning break 


10:30 - 11:00: RWI

The following link will take you straight to the lesson. Once your child has watched the video, could you encourage your child to practise the new sound. 

Pre-recorded lesson Set 1 sound ‘h’

Learning to blend – lesson 10


11:00 -11:30 Maths 

Design Baby Bear’s Blanket.

Goldilocks has ruined Baby Bear’s blanket and now needs to make him a new one.

Can you create a repeating pattern using 2 or 3 shapes or symbols to help Goldilocks?

Here are some examples to get you started.


11:30– 12:00: Technology

Can you give the teddies the right food and help them to pack their suitcase?


12:00– 1:00: Lunch


Free Choice Friday!

For Free Choice Friday we want you to do something that makes you happy!

There are lots of things you can do at home, here are a few ideas:


  • Play a board game.
  • Paint a picture.
  • Do some Just Dance.
  • Read your favourite book.
  • Go on a walk with your family.