Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Monday 8th February

The ‘Remote Learning’ School Day for Reception - Monday

In order to keep the day as familiar as possible for children, we will be following the same timetable during each day of remote learning:


9.00 - 9.30: Registration

Please log onto teams and enter a live lesson with your teacher who will take the register. The daily timetable will then be shared with the children followed by Dough Disco, scavenger hunt, word of the day and ‘hold a sentence’.  


9.30 - 10:00: Physical Activity

Create your own circuit fitness station using 5 number cards.

Place each card in a different area of the room to make your circuit. When you land on each number complete the action below for 15 seconds. Make sure you have a rest in between each station.

1 – star jumps 2 – hop on leg 3 – jump up from crouching 4 – plank position 5 – jog on the spot


10:00 - 10:30: RWI

The following link will take you straight to the lesson. Once your child has watched the video, could you encourage your child to practise the new sound. 

Pre-recorded lesson Set 1 sound ‘z’

Learning to blend – lesson 16


10:30 - 11:00: Morning break


11:00 - 11:30: Maths 

One more and one less.

Make a number line 1 – 20.

Ask your grown up to choose a number between 1 & 20, using a small character find the right number on your number line.

Move your character one more. What number did you land on? Put your character back on the starting number.

Move your character one less. What number did you land on?

Continue moving your character one more or one less along your number line changing your starting number each time.


11:30 – 12:00: Skills

Can you practise your perfect pencil grip?

What patterns can you draw?


12:00 – 1:00: Lunch


Afternoon Lesson 


1.00 - 1.45: Literacy/PSED

Colour Monster

Listen to the story ‘Colour Monster.’

It is all about our feelings and emotions. The colour monster describes his feelings as colours.

Yellow – happiness Red – angry Black – fear Green – calm.

Can you make your own colour monster to match how you are feeling? You could draw or paint a picture, you could use junk modelling materials such as boxes and cardboard tubes or you could make your colour monster out of playdough. Be as creative as you like! We look forward to seeing your colour monsters.



1:45 - 2.30: ‘Plan, Do, Review’ 

During this time we encourage the children to plan their own learning, they then carry out their task and we review their learning at the end of the session. (Child initiated learning)


2:30 - 3:00: Reading Spine & Speaking and Listening Activities

Children will log onto Teams and enter a live lesson with their teacher who will read a story to them and reflect on their day.
