Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Thursday 14th January

The ‘Remote Learning’ School Day for Reception - Thursday


9.00 - 9.30: Registration

Please log onto teams and enter a live lesson with your teacher who will take the register. The daily timetable will then be shared with the children followed by ‘Dough Disco’. The children will require playdough for this activity, which we have provided in the home learning packs.


9.30 - 10:00 Physical Activity

Please see the link below. We appreciate that you may also want to go outdoors for your daily exercise. (Penguin dance) (Penguin Yoga) (Sing along)


10:00 - 10:30 Morning break 


10:30 - 11:00: RWI

The following link will take you straight to the lesson. Once your child has watched the video, could you encourage your child to practise writing the new sound. 


Pre-recorded lesson Set 1 sound ‘n’

11:00 -11:30  Maths 

Please click on the link below. After the lesson, please give the children the opportunity to practise and build on their Maths skills using resources you have at home.  

Week 2 Session 2


11:30– 12:00: Gross Motor Skills 



12:00– 1:00: Lunch


1.00 -1.45: 

Afternoon Lessons 

Understanding of the World  – Winter Collage 

Can you create your own winter collage using materials you can find at home? You could use foil, tissue, blue bottle tops.

Don’t worry if you haven’t got any glue at home, you can arrange them on a flat surface to create your winter scene and take a photo.


1:45-2.30– ‘Plan, Do, Review’ During this time we encourage the children to plan their own learning, they then carry out their task and we review their learning at the end of the session. (Child initiated learning)


2:30-3:00 - Reading Spine & Speaking and Listening Activities Children will log onto Teams and enter a live lesson with their teacher who will read a story to them and reflect on their day.
