Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Thursday 21st January

The ‘Remote Learning’ School Day for Reception - Thursday

In order to keep the day as familiar as possible for children, we will be following the same timetable during each day of remote learning:


9.00 - 9.30: Registration

Please log onto teams and enter a live lesson with your teacher who will take the register. The daily timetable will then be shared with the children followed by ‘Dough Disco’. The children will require playdough for this activity, which we have provided in the home learning packs.


9.30 - 10:00 Physical Activity

Please see the link below. We appreciate that you may also want to go outdoors for your daily exercise. (Joe Wicks) 


10:00 - 10:30 Morning break 


10:30 - 11:00: RWI

The following link will take you straight to the lesson. Once your child has watched the video, could you encourage your child to practise the new sound. 

Pre-recorded lesson Set 1 sound ‘k’

Learning to blend – lesson 4


11:00 -11:30  Maths 

Go into your garden or when you go for your daily exercise, can you collect some sticks, pebbles and leaves. See what 2D shapes you can make using them. Which shapes are easiest to make using the sticks? Which objects are best for making a circle? 


11:30– 12:00: Skills 

You could also use cheerio’s just like we do at school.


12:00– 1:00: Lunch


Afternoon Lesson 

1.00 -1.45:  PSED - Explains own knowledge and understanding and asks appropriate questions of others.

Play ‘What’s in the box?’ by placing an item or picture in a box and then encouraging your child to ask questions to find out what the item is.

For example, if a teddy bear, they might ask, “Is it a toy?” “Is it hard or soft?” “Does it have arms and legs?” “Can it fly?” “Does it move?”

The rules could mean that you will just answer “yes” or “no” to these questions.

Aim to have a limit of 10 questions. Consider keeping count using a tally such as adding 10 pegs onto a piece of card, placing 10 pieces of pasta in a bowl, 10 ticks on a piece of paper.

Your child will then have to guess after the 10 questions have been asked.

Swap roles and allow your child to answer your questions.

Things you might need

A box with a lid that is large enough for any item you might put in it. Paper, pens, card, pegs, pasta, bowls, items or pictures to go in the box

1:45-2.30– ‘Plan, Do, Review’ 

During this time we encourage the children to plan their own learning, they then carry out their task and we review their learning at the end of the session. (Child initiated learning)


2:30-3:00 - Reading Spine & Speaking and Listening Activities

Children will log onto Teams and enter a live lesson with their teacher who will read a story to them and reflect on their day.
