Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Summer 2023

Summer 1

In Summer 1, we will continue our spelling, reading and comprehension focus in RWI, so please remember to read regularly at home. We will be continuing our Talk 4 Writing approach in English with an exploration of Little Red Riding Hood and a twisted tale!  During these lessons we will create story maps and learn our stories using actions and pictures. 


In Maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction crossing ten, time, fractions and making sure that we are end of Year 2 ready. We ask that you please continue your homework on Times Tables Rockstars and some additional homework booklets that we will be sending home. 


We are learning about Jackson Pollock in Art and recreating his style, ball skills in PE through tennis and football and our Science topic will be all about plants and habitats. Finally, we will be learning about being our best in PSHE.


If you have any questions about our curriculum, please ask a member of the Year 2 team.  
