Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 

The Year 1 Team: Mrs Aggarwal, Mrs Mitchell, Miss Wright, Mrs Chesterton, Mrs Madeley and Miss Tipton.



Water Bottles -  Children are required to bring a water bottle each day.  Your child will have access to their bottle during the session in order to keep hydrated.  


Jewellery - Could children please only wear earrings (if ears are pierced) and watches to school. No necklaces or bracelets. Please remove earrings before school for PE on Tuesdays. Thank you for your help.


Please ensure that all your child's clothing is clearly labelled to avoid loss or confusion. 


PE - Tuesday PM

Your child will need to have a PE kit in school on those days. When the weather is still cold, your child will need to have a warmer, outdoor kit. This includes trainers suitable for outdoor PE. Earrings must be removed. 



Children are expected to bring their reading book and diary into school on a daily basis!

Children will read with an adult at least once a week. Please record in the diary when you have read with your child at home.


Please send library books into school:

Class 3 - Monday

Class 4 - Thursday 


Oxford Owl Online - Reading books

A variety of free E-books can be accessed on Oxford Owl. Please login to and click on class login. Use the following details to login and read your RWI and pleasure books on the e-book library. 


Oxford Owl Login:  

Username: year 1 mesty  

Password: mesty 




