Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Autumn 2022

W/B 5.12.22

W/B 28.11.22

Autumn 2

During this half term, we will continue developing your KS1 knowledge and skills to ensure you feel confident in Maths; you can help at home by continuing our homework on Times Tables Rockstars. In English we are looking at a new approach to writing 'Talk 4 Writing'. During these lessons we will create story maps and learn our stories using actions and pictures. The main texts we will be learning in these lessons are The Papaya That Spoke and The Magic Porridge Pot.  We will also continue working on our phonics in RWI and reading skills in our Literacy and Language group. You can be a wonderful help by remembering to read at home. 


Our DT topic will be based on wheels and axles, and we will have the opportunity to design and make a moving product. 


We have a cross-curricular activity in Computing where we will be creating a DT journal as an Ebook on Write Reader. 


Our History topic is based on The Great Fire of London including what life was like in that time period. 


Finally, we will be learning about how to value our differences in PSHE and ensuring we are confident with who we are but also accepting of the differences of others. 


We also have Nativity coming up in December so please keep an eye out for updates. 

Autumn 2 Week 6

Autumn 2 Week 5

Autumn 2 Week 4

Autumn 2 Week 3

Autumn 2 Week 2

Autumn 2 Week 1

Autumn 1

During this half term, We will look at developing your KS1 knowledge and skills to ensure you feel confident in Maths; you can help at home by continuing our homework on Times Tables Rockstars. In English we are looking at Bear and the Piano with a focus of sentence structure.  We will also continue working on our phonics in RWI and reading skills in our Literacy and Language group. You can be a wonderful help by remembering to read at home. 


Our amazing Art topic will be based on drawing with graphite pencils. 


We have an exciting half term in Computing with a focus on E-safety. 


Our Geography topic is all about the weather and seasons and we will aim to learn the countries of the UK. 


Finally, we will be looking at relationships in PSHE and ensuring we are confident in knowing how to recognise and maintain healthy relationships with our friends and family. 


It's going to be a packed half term.

Week 6

Week 4


In our fourth week of Year 2, we have worked hard to meet the expectations set for our year group and focused on maintaining these expectations.


In Maths, we have had a heavy focus on shape this week. This has included looking at shape names, the number of sides, vertices and have also touched upon lines of symmetry. There is a link attached for 'Topmarks' where there are many games looking at shape and symmetry there will also be a QR code for easy access. Children can also access Times Tables Rockstars using their logins in their reading books.


In English we're still working on 'The Bear and the Piano' and this week were able to write our own letters writing in first person as the bear talking about his wonderful adventures and began to edit our work. We were also given the opportunity to ask the bear some open questions about what he had experienced. This lead onto us using creative adjectives to describe the bear using expanded noun phrases.


In art we continued to look at line drawing but focused on continuous lines and using wool followed a template. An image of a child's work is attached below.


Spellings w/c 03.10.22



Spelling tests are every Monday so please be sure to bring your spelling book. 

Week 3


In our third full week of Year 2, we have continued to settle in and continued to follow the expectations of this new year group. 


In Maths, we are developing our use of manipulatives to encourage independence and confidence in our work. This week in particular, we have been using counters and tens frames to find number bonds to 20 and numbers within 20. There is a link and a QR code below to a game where children can practice these. QR codes can be scanned using the camera on any smart device.


In English, we are continuing our work on The Bear and the Piano and this week we have focused on sentence structure and noun phrases. This is to prepare us to write our own letters from the bear in the story. We have also continued to look at using correct punctuation in our work, concentrating on capital letters and full stops.


In art we have been using graphite pencils to create line art. This week we looked at the work of Vincent van Goph and recreated the different lines he had used in his artwork. There is an image of this piece below.


Spellings w/c 26.09.22



Spelling tests are every Monday so please be sure to bring your spelling book. 

Week 2


In our second full week of Year 2, we have continued to settle in and understand the expectations of this new year group. 


In Maths, we are developing our use of manipulatives to encourage independence and confidence in our work. This week in particular, we have been using Dienes to help us partition into tens and ones. There is a little online game below to help you develop your understanding of place value and use of Dienes. 


In English, we are continuing our work on Bear and the Piano with a focus on writing letters. We are learning about the structure of a letter (see below) so we can use our sentence structure knowledge to write our own letters next week. 


Spellings w/c 19.09.22












Spelling tests are every Monday so please be sure to bring your spelling book. 

Week 1


This week, we have been settling back into the routine of school and the expectations of Year 2. We are learning how to write our numbers and letters correctly and how to hold our pencils properly. Take a look at the pencil rap and BBC Place Value page below to help you practise at home.


We have had a great start back to school and have been learning lots in our lessons. We have particularly loved discussing celebrations and we shared how we celebrate Christmas, Eid, Easter, Diwali and birthdays. What's your favourite celebration?


Spellings w/c 12.09.22











What's your favourite celebration?
