Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


Dates for final week of Autumn Term-Christmas Week!

Please note the following events are taking place in school this week:


Tuesday 18th December: KS1 Performances at 9.15am and 2.15pm (entrance via ticket only)


Wednesday 19th December: Christmas Dinner (for those who ordered by Friday 14th December). Christmas Jumpers can be worn with school uniform.


Thursday 20th December: Christmas Jumper and Jeans Day. Mesty Craft Christmas Market 3.20-5.00pm.


Friday 21st December: Party Day! Non-uniform. PTA Selection Box Raffle at 11am. School finishes at usual time (3.10pm).


School Closed for INSET on Monday 7th January 2019. Children return to school on Tuesday 8th January 2019.
