Mesty Croft Primary

Believe and Achieve


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  • 'Purple4Polio' and The Rotary Club of Wednesbury

    Tue 02 Apr 2019

    On Friday 29th March children were encouraged to attend school in non-uniform, instead wearing purple or spring coloured/inspired clothing as we set out to continue the good work of The Rotary Club in raising awareness of Polio. 

    Each year, The Rotary Club plant thousands of purple crocus bulbs as part of a project called 'Purple4Polio' in their bid to eradicate the disease worldwide. The Rotary Club of Wednesbury ask all Wednesbury primary schools to take part in the project. In the Autumn term pots and bulbs were delivered and classes put their green fingers to the test. Each class designed a fantastic label to show just how much they had learned about Polio and the impact of this devastating disease. Take a look at the photographs below...

    The total figure raised by non-uniform donations was £253.60; thank you, this is fantastic and will be handed over to The Rotary Club of Wednesbury during their next visit.

    Finally, huge congratulations to Class 6 (Miss J Robinson's class) who won the 'best pot' competition run and judged by Wednesbury Rotarians.
